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At times we have to choose between the path that is conventional and the path that is not. In today's world that once worn path that our great grandparents traveled is so overgrown and forgotten that it barely exists. Our goal is to reforge that forgotten path and make it new again.

The Family Eggers

The Family Eggers

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The First Snow

Today was the very first snow Marie and Mackenson have ever seen. They looked out the window in disbelief and wonder...then we went outside. They hesitated at the front door, not sure if they should step on it or not. Once outside, they picked it up in their mittens and said it was cold! Marie sat in it and looked at it, ran around in it with Ferris and put some on Mackenson's hat. Mackenson spent most of his time trying to get it off of him, his mittens and shoes, not knowing Marie was putting more on top of him! We made snow angels and snowballs which we threw for Ferris. He caught them and ate them, and Marie thought it was funny that Ferris ate the ball.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Trimming the Tree

Marie and Papa put the lights on the tree....
Ferris got a bit festive...

and Mackenson sang to his teddy bear. It looks like he is going to bite him but really he is singing!

Autumn in Kentucky

When Papa got home from being gone for over two months he spent some good fun time with Marie and Mack. He raked up all the leaves in the backyard for the kids to jump in. They stood in the middle and asked Papa to keep throwing leaves over them. There were so many leaves they completely covered them both!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Yesterday was a dismal, overcast, after-the-holiday blah day so we went bowling. Nothing breaks the blahs like bowling! Marie got to wear super cool shoes and we had bumpers on the gutters. She even used the metal aimer thing (I have no idea what that thing is called, it's like a ramp for the ball). Mackenson helped us bowl a few times and giggled as he watched the ball roll down the lane to hit one pin. Joe managed a gutter ball with bumpers, he is so talented. We had french fries for ti mange (snack); Mackenson and Marie ate them so fast you would not have guessed they've been stuffed on turkey all weekend. I bowled the best game of my life, 129 (did you read the part about the gutter bumpers?). Marie's score was 60, not bad for a first time bowler! When we were leaving Joe & I asked the kids if they had fun. Mackenson called out, "bowling yummy!". Yeah, he liked the french fries part of bowling best, go figure. Marie wants to go again tomorrow.