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At times we have to choose between the path that is conventional and the path that is not. In today's world that once worn path that our great grandparents traveled is so overgrown and forgotten that it barely exists. Our goal is to reforge that forgotten path and make it new again.

The Family Eggers

The Family Eggers

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Footy Jammies, "Come On" and 2 Shirts

Some things that tickled the kids' funny bones this week...Marie has wanted to wear her pink footie jammies the past three nights. I had to sneak it into the laundry and switch to the blue pair. Macky has been wearing his footie jammies too and they are both so so cute in them! But...I did underestimate the more discusting side of footie jammies as a poop trap. Never mind.

Mackenson's new (and favorite) saying is "come on". He calls Papa on his little phone and says "Hi Papa! How are you? Come on, Papa!" He sees a school bus and says "School Bus! Marie Dakar! Come on Marie Dakar!". He gets ready for his nap by walking down the hall to his room, "Come on, Mama". He also started singing in the car when he saw the school bus. The song is Marie and Papa's special song by the Gear Daddies, "Goodbye Marie, good bye Marie, goodbye Marie". He mixed in good bye Papa, goodbye school bus and goodbye Marie Dakar.

Yesterday I dressed Mack in a short sleeve tshirt over a long sleeve tshirt and when Marie came home from school she laughed and laughed. Then she saw that I had two shirts too and wanted two on herself. So we all wore 2 shirts yesterday.


Kristi said...

I seriously LOVE reading about you and your little family. I love your kids - going to Haiti in December will not be the same without Marie there...but I'm so glad she's home, where she belongs!

Please post pictures I'm missing their beautiful little faces!!!!

Anonymous said...

Me oh My. I miss you guys sooo much. I wish we could see your family. Marie and Macy sound like characters. They fit well with the rest that you have, Joe, Simon and Farris.

Keep the blogs coming. I love hearing about all your adventures
