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At times we have to choose between the path that is conventional and the path that is not. In today's world that once worn path that our great grandparents traveled is so overgrown and forgotten that it barely exists. Our goal is to reforge that forgotten path and make it new again.

The Family Eggers

The Family Eggers

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween ROCKS!!!

Princess Ferris!Marie Dakar can't wait to dress up for Halloween so while Mackenson napped (petite domi) she dressed up Ferris as a princess!
A Princess, A Frog and Harry PotterMackenson had a frog sound maker in his pocket that was oh so awesome. Marie's princess dress was perfect from being a flower girl in Molly & Steve's wedding. Marie couldn't remember who I was so at the end of the night called me a dinosaur. Great idea for next year,eh?Marie & Mack tear up the neighborhood having a super time Trick-or-Treating. Our Jack-o-Lantern; Marie brought it home from her field trip to the pumpkin patch.


Anonymous said...

They are so cute! Was this their first trick or treating experience? Oh and is Ferris going grey or is it the flash?


Unknown said...

Yes, their very first Halloween! It didn't take long for them to learn what "trick-or-treat" means.
Ferris is indeed going grey but is only 6 years old. He looks more grey in photos...maybe it's the dalmation in him coming out!